Christiana ad profectum vocatio provectionem, in omnium hominum totiusque hominis beneficium vertendam, adiuvat. The Christian vocation to development helps to promote the advancement of all men and of the whole man.


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Titta igenom exempel på Beneficium översättning i meningar, lyssna på uttal och lära dig grammatik. Definition of beneficium in the Idioms Dictionary. beneficium phrase. What does beneficium expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Latin Translation for beneficia - English-Latin Dictionary Define beneficial. beneficial synonyms, beneficial pronunciation, beneficial translation, English dictionary definition of beneficial.

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beneficium phrase. What does beneficium expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Latin Translation for beneficia - English-Latin Dictionary Define beneficial.

A benefice (/ ˈbɛnɪfɪs /) or living is a reward received in exchange for services rendered and as a retainer for future services. The Roman Empire used the Latin term beneficium as a benefit to an individual from the Empire for services rendered.

po latinsku i toga nekoliko i jo neto po hrvatsku. clarissimos, quorum multa et magna in me collata beneficia nondum animo​.

beneficium beneficia: Genitiv: beneficiī: beneficiōrum: Dativ: beneficiō: beneficiīs: Akkusativ: beneficium beneficia: Vokativ: beneficium beneficia: Ablativ: beneficiō: beneficiīs

Beneficium latin dictionary

Examples of translating «beneficia» in context: pro maleficiis beneficia reddere · to return good for evil. source. All I've Got to Do (Latin translation) Artist: The Beatles Song: All I've Got to Do 16 animam debeo || vacui metu esse debemus || beneficium alicui debeo || alicui  plain Latin, I'm not going to dirty my hands on you Bene - Good Beneficium Answer Save. be well|in good health translation in English-Latin dictionary.

Spanish. benefici Human translation services. English-Latin dictionary - Dictionarium latino-anglicum - Latin-English translations. Letter - - Page 1. gift = beneficium. The English to Latin online dictionary. Check spelling and grammar.
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[beneficus]. I. A benefaction, kindness, favor, benefit, service, euergetêma (sunt qui ita distinguunt, quaedam beneficium translation in Latin-Polish dictionary. Coram pergravi ideo consistimus quaestione iniquae partitionis modorum subsistendi et instrumentorum, quae universis olim destinata sunt hominibus, sicut etiam inaequalis beneficiorum divisionis inde profluentium.

Beneficiate definition, to treat (ore) to make more suitable for smelting. See more. bĕnĕfĭcĭum (better than bĕnĭfĭcĭ um ), ii, n. [beneficus].
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av H Holmberg — 6 Robert E. Allen, redaktør for The Concise Oxford Dictionary c!f Current. English (8. lasting, mutually beneficia! relationships between people and organisations in our country lægerne: "Hvad er det nufosterfedt hedder på latin?" Det var 

permalink. Beneficium Beneficium . Christiana ad profectum vocatio provectionem, in omnium hominum totiusque hominis beneficium vertendam, adiuvat. The Christian vocation to development helps to promote the advancement of all men and of the whole man.

The benefit or privilege of order; the privilege which a surety for a debtor had of requiring that his principal should be discussed, or thoroughly IPA : (Latin America) /beneˈfisja/, [be.neˈfi.sja] Verb . beneficia. Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted?) present indicative form of beneficiar. Informal second-person singular affirmative imperative form of beneficiar. Find beneficium (Noun) in the Latin Online Dictionary with English meanings, all fabulous forms & inflections and a conjugation table: beneficium, beneficii, beneficio, beneficium, beneficia, beneficiorum (Redirected from Beneficium) A benefice (/ ˈbɛnɪfɪs /) or living is a reward received in exchange for services rendered and as a retainer for future services.

beneficium cedendarum actionum. beneficium clericale. See More Nearby Entries Latin word beneficium comes from Latin bene (Agreeably, favorably.